Web Generators

An evolving list of web generators which help you to rapidly create a host of audio visual helps and educational tools for free.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Web Generators for a Web generation

The Web offers a host of very powerful affordances to educators. Existing and older education provisions have been defined by the techniques and tools designed to overcome the limitations and exploit the capacities of earlier media. For example, the earliest universities were constructed around medieval libraries that afforded access to rare hand-written books and manuscripts. Early forms of distance education were constructed using text and the delayed forms of asynchronous communications afforded by mail services. Campus-based education systems are constructed around physical buildings that afford meeting and lecture spaces for teachers and groups of students. The Web provides nearly ubiquitous access to quantities of content that are many orders of magnitude larger than those provided in any other medium. (Anderson 2004, 52)

Anderson, Terry. 2004. Toward a theory of online learning. In Theory and practice of online learning , ed. Terry Anderson and Fathi Elloumi:33-60. Canada: Athabasca University

The affordances of the web are growing and enabling those of us living in the age of ubiquitous Internet presence to do a lot more that we previously could.

One affordance which I wish to raise awareness amongst educators in the church/seminary would be the online tools which help create audio visual artifacts and educational tools for which multiple applications in the ministry of teaching and learning can be found. These are by and large available for no costs, and are called "generators" because they generate in a very short time artifacts which can be pressed into the service of the kingdom.

This site will feature a growing number of web generators which I hope will be useful for visitors.


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